Sunday, October 4, 2009

Week 5: Balloon Project & Foundation Wall

Han had the idea to launch some balloons and attach a camera to take some aerial photos of our site. After hacking a canon camera with scripts provided by tech specialists, researching a camera attachment mechanism, some fishing wire and getting some kiddie party balloons, we were all set. The script for the camera in essence hacks the program on the camera and allows the user to take pictures continuously. Started out early today (8:30am), went to Walmart, party balloon shop, avoided some major roadblocks on Rt. 9W and we were all set to launch around noon.
Took many continuous shots set at 5 second intervals to get some good pictures. This was a good test for another round sometime in the next month. Learned lessons: do not get too many balloons. we wanted some rubber balloons about 30" diameter, but the party place didn't carry it, so we ended up getting 5 kiddie party balloons. (Cinderella, transformers & party zone theme). I think the party place got a kick out of what we were trying to do. We barely was able to fit it all in the back of our car.
After we got back to the city, we finally found 36" rubber balloon in Tribeca's Balloon Saloon. $ 6.00 each without helium and we plan to fill it up in route next time. The party supply place is in Newburg and it's only a 20 minute drive to our place. We won't be able fit the helium filled balloons in our car, so will have to hang it outside the sunroof.

The foundation walls were erected this week. Concrete not yet poured in them. Septic trench was dug this week and the electrical junction box is finally up on our site.

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