Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week: Whatever!

We've lost track of the weeks since moving in. Matt's been working on the shed, that crazy red shipping container that we initially thought could be a workable shed.
1. the doors were busted, didn't open easily.
2. the back of it looked like a train wreck!
We came up with a simple barn style in a Scandinavian design aesthetic. Matt is such a genius carpenter, with his skills, he brought it to life. It looks so beautiful next to the flat long house.
We also love the irony of it. The house that looks like the shed. The shed that looks like the shape of a traditional house.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Week 91 to 94: Technically Done

Technically, our construction is done. Besides a few miscellaneous clean up jobs, the construction phase is officially done. We still do not have a CO yet. The town has rejected the subdivisions' plan for the slope, so the process begins again.
We are keeping busy by focusing on landscaping and reusing some old scrap wood to build some outdoor furniture and planters. There's plenty to do around the house. Some friends came over one weekend and helped us finish our front entrance path way.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Week 89 & 90 : Furniture at last!

Well, the bad news is still no CO. The good news is that the inspector is allowing us to move our furniture in.
We spent the entire holiday weekend unpacking and laying out our furniture that was delivered months ago. Just found out our media cabinet is completely damaged. We now have to claim a damage for something shipped months ago, it's going to be difficult. Besides that, all else was okay, it was an exhausting and very rewarding weekend to see the original 3D model come to life.
The last 2 weeks has been fully of landscaping activity also, the trees went in, except 2 that didn't quite make it. Having the trees makes a world of difference, the home feels finished, no longer part of a construction site anymore. The 3 tiers are now stabilized with jute mesh and we seeded in creeping thyme to help the erosion problem. The front lawn is seeded and hay covered. This weekend we saw the grass growing, it's very exciting.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 88: Bad News and more Bad News...

This week started out badly with news from the town that they do not want to grant us any temporary CO until the entire subdivision fixes it's slope issue. Yes, we're being punished for sins of others before us. This is what I really hate about owning things, you own it, but you don't. Towns and subdivisions all have their own kind of rules and regulations.
Apparently neighbors also get a say in your project. Our trees were finally delivered Friday. Once the neighbors saw them, they immediately complained to the subdivision about deed restrictions etc, etc. I can't believe people aren't happy about others doing landscaping. It only helps the value of the neighborhood. Maybe we should have selected a site without neighbors, you live and learn.
The only good news is the Drive Way Binder layer went in this week, it looks great.
On to the next week, hoping for better news.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Week 86 & 87: Still waiting for CO

April 26th, we apply for a CO, but didn't get it. Many reasons to do with the outisde of the house and especially the issue with the slope erosion of the entire sub division. The things that are under control, we can work on and hopefully get a "temporary" CO until the subdivision fixes all the issues. On of the main things is getting the drive way partially paved as required by the town. So we put down item #4 just this past Friday. Since our driveway is over 300 sq feet, it's very costly and something we didn't think about when we built the house. Other issues are very minor like putting up a house # at the drive way, at the house, etc. All has been done and we are going to try again to apply for one this week. We're not very optimistic since the inspector was vague about even issuing the temporary. Fingers crossed.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 85: Oh so close!

The plan was to apply for OC this past Friday, but just a small amount of electrical work prevented that. The town inspector is scheduled to come back this coming Tuesday. Fingers crossed!
We spent the weekend putting in some finishing touches like bathroom hooks and more cleaning of course! Wiped down all the closets and floors in the LVL.