Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 46 & 47: Framing & Farming

Some interior walls have gone up this week, the Utility Room, LVL Guest Bathroom, LVL master toilet room and closet. Getting a feeling for the overall space already. Once the walls go up, everything actually starts to feel bigger.
We've also put in coaxial, ethernet wiring which took 1 entire day of Han's intensive hole drilling labor. Minus a small injury on his shin, everything came out well. Note to self, get a first aid kit.
Other fruits of our labor: Our water melon and squash is doing very well, we're most likely going to harvest the few fruits next week.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 44 & 45: Windows!!!!

We have windows, massive ones. They said it was too heavy, too big, but we prevailed with the design. It's beautiful and gigantic. Sticking to our guts was definitely the right thing to do. They did cost a pretty penny, but worth every single cent.
We also finished Speaker wiring on July 4th. It was the hottest day of the year so far, we both had stomach virus, but nevertheless, it was done...nothing is going to stop us.