Sunday, October 11, 2009

Week 6: Stem Walls & a Very Deep Well

This week, the stem walls were poured. Kit delivery date has been pushed back about 3 days due to bad weather in Missouri, now rescheduled for Wednesday or Thursday of coming week. Our garden cam failed, we were just a bit too greedy, taking too many pictures (every minute), it drained the batteries. We've finally figured out that as the cause of the problem and we've now set it at 30 minute intervals and will swap out the battery every week.
Bad news on the well, 400 feet deep and still only 1.5 gallons per minute which is too low compared to an average home. We're going to try hydro-fracture and hope that gets us 4-5 gallons per minute. Supposedly, it has a 97% chance of success, so let's hope for the best. The cost of the hydro-facture is flat fee of $2200.00 (ouch!!! + that 400 feet deep well). Everyone assured us that we would not face any problems in the area, so it was a complete shock that we're having this issue.
Finally brought my parents to the land. They are super excited about it, potential farming endeavors. Lots to plan for them.

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