Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 33 and 34 : More Siding / looking like a real home

These 2 weeks have been exciting, more siding has gone up and the feeling is more like a home. The corrugated part looks better than I would imagine. We are glad we went with the white color instead of the aluminum one. Our house is definately the longest LV home combination out there.
On a side note, we are growing some Potatoes on the land for the first time. Last weekend we planted the first batch. To our surprise we found 3 spuds have been dug up. Although whatever small vermin that did it didn't even eat it. Spoiled animals! what's wrong with a juicy potato? In any case, we planted another batch and hopefully that vermin won't come back. We really need a fence around the plantings. The soil is extra hard, too many rocks and weeds, it's hard labor to till the soil.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Week 31 and 32: Siding! and the end of Erosion

This was a exciting week as the first of the sidings have gone up. Summer like weather helped aid this process.
Also noteworthy is the end of the town erosion summons. We had to hire a landscape company to finish off the rest of the slope to free up Matt and Adam to work on the house.
Luckily the owner of the company were friends with the town inspector and the summons is off the table...hopefully for ever. Glad to put this costly episode behind us.