Sunday, May 15, 2011

Week 88: Bad News and more Bad News...

This week started out badly with news from the town that they do not want to grant us any temporary CO until the entire subdivision fixes it's slope issue. Yes, we're being punished for sins of others before us. This is what I really hate about owning things, you own it, but you don't. Towns and subdivisions all have their own kind of rules and regulations.
Apparently neighbors also get a say in your project. Our trees were finally delivered Friday. Once the neighbors saw them, they immediately complained to the subdivision about deed restrictions etc, etc. I can't believe people aren't happy about others doing landscaping. It only helps the value of the neighborhood. Maybe we should have selected a site without neighbors, you live and learn.
The only good news is the Drive Way Binder layer went in this week, it looks great.
On to the next week, hoping for better news.


Bernie said...

We visited your house last summer since we are considering an LV house. Matt and Adam graciously showed us around.
Congratulations, the house and the site are magnificent.
We wish you the best in finishing it.

han said...

Hi Bernie,

I'm glad you like the house. Hopefully, the town will grant us that C/O soon.
