Saturday, February 11, 2012

Week: Whatever!

We've lost track of the weeks since moving in. Matt's been working on the shed, that crazy red shipping container that we initially thought could be a workable shed.
1. the doors were busted, didn't open easily.
2. the back of it looked like a train wreck!
We came up with a simple barn style in a Scandinavian design aesthetic. Matt is such a genius carpenter, with his skills, he brought it to life. It looks so beautiful next to the flat long house.
We also love the irony of it. The house that looks like the shed. The shed that looks like the shape of a traditional house.

1 comment:

karlusmagnus said...

Han, the shed looks cool, but will it be large enough for you? Nice to see you were able to finish and get the COO. What town are you located in?
Now that you are moved in, what sort of cooling do you have planned for the summer? With the design, the insulation etc, do you anticipate much lower energy costs in both summer and winter?