Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 55 : Sealer hmmmm

We had decided to seal the cedar slats to avoid it going grey in the near future. It was a beautiful color to begin with. We decided on Sikkens Cetol 1 as the sealer, it has pretty good reviews. The lightest color is Natural Light. There was also a Cedar color choice, but it makes it very red. Since the Natural Light color was delivered late, we just received it Friday, we didn't get a chance to test it out. Went out to the site on Saturday and started applying, it really makes the wood look much darker, which we do not like because it contrasts so much with the cedar ceiling. I was very disappointed and really hope it lightens up during the next few weeks after it dries out.
The last small window above the Kitchen got delivered and now the house is fully secureable.
The correct interior doors should be delivered coming week.

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